Raspberry Coconut Mango Sorbet


This dessert seemed appropriate for my mood tonight, influenced by this rainy weather outside. If I had a bowl of this by my side, it would be just like one of those “sad Bridget Jones moments”. Yes, I’m in my pyjamas. Or, if you are not so blue as me, and you have a perfect tropical weather while you are enjoying the sun by the pool, tropical taste provided with this gem is also must have. I fell in love with looks, as well with a taste.

Ovaj dezert je potpuno odgovarao mom trenutnom raspoloženju, prouzrokovanom ovim trenutnim kišovitim vremenom. Da imam činiju ovoga pored sebe, bio bi to jedan od onih dobro poznatih “tužnih Bridžit Džouns trenutaka”. Da, sedim u pidžami. Ili, ako niste tako melanholični kao ja, i uživate u suncu i tropskoj temperaturi pored nekog bazena, ovaj tropski ukus je “must have”. Zaljubila sam se u izgled fotografije, isto kao i u ukus.



Sorbet is different from ice cream, and it can also be called “Sherbet”, because of low percentage or none cream in its recipe. It is more like a popsicle, but not on a stick, instead in cone. So, it is also vegan and has almost no calories, right?! It reminds me on this icy treat I used to eat when we were on vacation by the sea, it is shaved ice with syrup, sorbet is like a mixture of ice cream and shaved ice.

Sorbet nije isti kao sladoled, i može da se zove i “Šerbet” u mom slobodnom prevodu. Mada je šerbet nešto drugo u Srbiji.. Sorbet je takav da sadrži vrlo malo ili ni malo mleka ili pavlake u sebi, za razliku od sladoleda čiji je to glavni sastojak. Te mu ovo dođe i veganski i manje kalorično, ne?! Sorbet je više kao “ledenko”, ali u kornetu umesto na štapiću. Podseća me na poslasticu koju sam volela da jedem na moru, mrvljeni led koji ima neki ukus, Sorbet je kao mešavina toga i sladoleda.


  • 3 cups packed (500 g) cubed very ripe mango (~ 2 large or 3 small-medium mangos)
  • 1 cup (125 g) fresh raspberries (organic when possible)
  • 1 cup (236 ml) full fat coconut milk*
  • 1 cup (200 g) organic cane sugar* (or granulated sugar)
  • Pinch sea salt
  • 1 tsp lime juice
  1. The night/day before churning, set your ice cream churning bowl* in the freezer to chill. Also add all ingredients to a blender and blend on high until creamy and smooth – 2-3 minutes.
  2. Taste and adjust flavor/sweetness as needed, then transfer to a mixing bowl and cover. Set in refrigerator to chill overnight (or for a minimum of 3-4 hours).
  3. The following day, add your chilled base to the prepared ice cream churning bowl and churn according to manufacturer’s instructions for 30-40 minutes, or until it looks like soft serve.
  4. Transfer to a freezer-safe container and smooth top with a spoon. Cover securely and freeze for 4-6 hours, or until firm.
  5. Let thaw at room temperature for 10-15 minutes before serving to soften. Use a hot scoop to ease serving. Will keep securely covered in the freezer for 7-10 days, though best when fresh

Servings: ~11

Preparation time: 45min




  • 500g seckanog manga, ili 2 velika/ 3 mala sveža manga
  • 125g svežih malina
  • 236ml punomasnog kokosovog mleka
  • 200gr smeđeg šećera (od šećerne trske)/ ili običnog belog
  • prstohvat morske soli
  • 1kk limunovog soka


  1. Ne morate imati mašinu za mešanje sladoleda, ako je imate u nekom slučaju treba je staviti u zamrzivač dan ranije. U slučaju da živite u Srbiji, možete sadržaj sipati u činiju i na svakih sat vremena je vaditi iz zamrzivača i promešati da bi se izgubili mehurići vazduha i dobila željena čvrstina. Pre izručivanja sadržaja potrebno je u blenderu sjediniti sve sastojke i dobiti jednoličnu smesu, potrebno je 2-3 min. Ukus se može popravljati dodavanjem, najčešće šećera, naravno kako u rceptima obično piše, po ukusu.
  2. Bazu pre smrzavanja, možete prvo ohladiti u frižideru preko noći ili na minimum 4h pa je onda prebaciti u zamrzivač, i nakon mešanja, mašinom ili ručno, ona treba da odstoji još 4-6 sati u zamrzivaču pre serviranja.
  3. Pre posluživanja je izvadite na sobnu temperaturu na 10-15 minuta, i koristite toplu kašiku za sladoled za lakše serviranje.
  4. Najbolje je služiti ga svež, ali može da opstane u zamrzivaču od 7-10 dana

Porcija: ~11

Vreme pripreme: 45min



All rights reserved for Minimalist Baker blog, and its author Dana.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. veganneeds says:

    Oh my goodness! this is so awesome! thanks for sharing 😉
    just started following you, I have a vegan recipe/lifestyle & Cruelty-free beauty Blog as well, http://www.veganneeds.com
    so glad I found your blog & Happy to connect with you 🙂


    1. Heyy, thank you very much! I’m going to follow you straight away 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. liferealcrystal says:

    Oh my lord… 😍😍😍😍😍

    Liked by 1 person

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